-Went to sleep thinking about church, woke up thinking up about church. Every Sunday I get to influence, challenge, and encourage lives to live for Jesus. It's some of the most precious 75 minutes of my week and I absolutely do not take it lightly
-Felt like tweeting the following post last night, but really felt it should wait. Found out a few other Pastors that I follow on Twitter had the same encouraging heart this morning.
Here's what they posted, mine is towards the end:
Pastors...if HE really is THE MOST HIGH GOD...then PREACH today like THAT IS TRUE!!! BRING IT...hell is too hot for us to be cowards! - Perry Noble Newspring Church, South Carolina
Pastors-today you'll come to a point in your msg where you'll think: "I can't say that." Say it.
Steve Furtick, Elevation church, North Carolina
Hey Pastors & Worship Leaders: Let's serve God with our whole heart today! Our God is ALIVE and cares about us! How awesome?! Shaunk King, Courageous Church, Atlanta
Is there any greater cause than the cause of Christ? Luv incredibly, inspire hearts & touch lives. Preach 4 a generation u might never see. - I visited our lead campus in San Jose early before our service, had to see the rest of the family. Feeling like God is about to do something incredibly special and unique...and I'm not just saying that. It's time for the greatness to show up in peoples lives, take a risk for God.
-Our worship band is going through a
HUGE transition right now. Our team of musicians and singers are up for the challenge and they brought it
HARD today. So proud of them. Incredible time praying with people smack in the middle of worship. Great call Jesse, great call.
-Something that has happened often at our church is meeting new faces from far, far, away. Met a new guy this weekend all the way from Germany. Toby loved service, loves journaling and we loved him right back. Hey Toby I feel like your family already man.
-My Boy Santos preached, he lived with me for several years while in Masters Commission, you know what that means it's roast Pastor Ant time. Man Santz called me an instigator, big smack talker and super competitive. I get to preach next week bro remember that. Ah ah aha.
- We've been discovering God's blueprint the past weeks, this week Santz talked about living it. Straight from 1 Kings 19, Elijah hid in the cave, although victorious in the previous chapter, in 19 he was fearful and discouraged. Sometimes that's us in life. We stop living God's purpose, we hide in the cave and God calls out
"What are you doing?" Some people are afraid to live amazing but God has called us to live amazing. -Santos Samayoa. LIVE YOUR PURPOSE. Powerful message. I love to hear Santos speak, because I remember him when he was just a ruddy kid like David in the bible, now he's a Giant Killer. Love you Santz, your the man dude, you and your soon to be wife had such a HUGE influence on today's service, amazing.
-Getting ready to start a new series in a few weeks. "At the Movies" courtesy of Pastor Angel Menchaca from CWC Dinuba Thanks bro, you inspired me. Also we are taking a new initiative towards building a journaling culture and life on life growth. Can't wait to unveil this new experiment.