Because of the miraculous signs Jesus did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many began to trust in him. 24 But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew human nature. 25 No one needed to tell him what mankind is really like. John 2: 23-25
What a statement, people began to trust Jesus but there was a struggle in Jesus to trust people because he knew the nature of man.
I begin to think about what comes natural and what does not come natural in my life, when I read today's passage. The bible say's that people began trust in Jesus because of the miraculous signs Jesus did. What about those times when it's hard to see Jesus in the middle of everything going on in life? Faith comes natural when the road is easy, throw a couple of bumps in and it's a whole new ballgame. It's easier to believe when you can see God working, see progress, see some hope, it's almost as if faith comes natural. But there are also times in life when it's hard to see God. There's little to any faith being used when I can see, it's when I can't see and still believe that faith has truly kicked in.
Loving friends comes naturally, loving neighbors does not. You and I can choose our friends but I've yet to move into a neighborhood, yet to move into a job, yet to attend a church where I can choose all who are there. Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself.
And just because we are days shy of Christmas, Receiving can come natural more than giving can, especially radical giving. Who does not like to receive presents? I love opening presents at Christmas time, especially the ones with my name on it. But I truly want giving to come easier then receiving in any and every arena, not just at Christmas but all year long, not just to family but to anyone who is need. Giving radically is giving beyond what I know I can.
Pleasing God is based on His nature in me becoming greater then my own
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