or Being ALL there...
One of my favorite restaurants is Chili's. If it's not a burger, it's the Monterey Chicken or the Quesedilla explosion salad, ok that's enough I'm getting hungry. The problem that I have with a restaurant like Chili's and going with the family is "being all there." You see, 90% of the time Chili's has ESPN playing in the background, which usually accounts for me being 50% there with my family instead of 100% ALL there. Instead of engaging conversation, laughing, enjoying the time out with the family I'm glued to the sports world and I'm not ALL there. It doesn't stop at Chili's though. I have this little thing in my pocket called a cell phone and like OCD I pick it up constantly even at the dinner table once again affecting me being ALL there. The other day when I went to eat with Isaiah I purposesly showed him the phone on the table, I turned it over and I pointed out to him that I was not going to pick it up. I showed Isiah that I valued our time, our conversation, our relationship more then an email or a text and I was all there for Him. Making time is one thing, Being All there is another step that I have to take initiative in. Maybe you have to turn off your phone, maybe you have to not eat where there are TV's. Maybe you have to sit with your back towards distractions, whatever it is make sure YOUR ALL THERE.
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