Monday, December 29, 2008
With Everything
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Home from Work

Children are an inheritance from the LORD. They are a reward from Him.
Psalm 127:3
Monday, December 22, 2008
Ready for Christmas?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
What comes natural?

Because of the miraculous signs Jesus did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many began to trust in him. 24 But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew human nature. 25 No one needed to tell him what mankind is really like. John 2: 23-25
What a statement, people began to trust Jesus but there was a struggle in Jesus to trust people because he knew the nature of man.
I begin to think about what comes natural and what does not come natural in my life, when I read today's passage. The bible say's that people began trust in Jesus because of the miraculous signs Jesus did. What about those times when it's hard to see Jesus in the middle of everything going on in life? Faith comes natural when the road is easy, throw a couple of bumps in and it's a whole new ballgame. It's easier to believe when you can see God working, see progress, see some hope, it's almost as if faith comes natural. But there are also times in life when it's hard to see God. There's little to any faith being used when I can see, it's when I can't see and still believe that faith has truly kicked in.
Loving friends comes naturally, loving neighbors does not. You and I can choose our friends but I've yet to move into a neighborhood, yet to move into a job, yet to attend a church where I can choose all who are there. Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself.
And just because we are days shy of Christmas, Receiving can come natural more than giving can, especially radical giving. Who does not like to receive presents? I love opening presents at Christmas time, especially the ones with my name on it. But I truly want giving to come easier then receiving in any and every arena, not just at Christmas but all year long, not just to family but to anyone who is need. Giving radically is giving beyond what I know I can.
Pleasing God is based on His nature in me becoming greater then my own
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Night My Heart Grew Two Sizes

I sat with three young ladies Déjà, Regina, & Angelia as well as my wife. Usually when I eat in a place with $30+ dollar plates I am much more serious, but last night I laughed and I laughed and I laughed some more, thank you ladies. I had such a wonderful time and feel privileged to have dined with "greatness" last night. I could tell by some of the conversations, that each of these young people has a story to tell. I realized the courage and tenacity that these individuals have within them and I encourage you to never stop, to never quit. I'm probably not far off by saying that these young people should not be in college educating themselves...but they are and they are succeeding. There probably should not be any smiles on their face because of the cards they have been dealt in life but they are smiling and making others smile as well. Last night in just a few short hours my heart grew two sizes I can only imagine the heart size of my wife and others who daily get to rub shoulders with this awesome group of young people.
I’m reminded of a story that I heard from my Pastor, Dan Vera. In the early 90's nobody could take the Orlando Magic seriously. The Magic was young, yet to have a winning season, and two of their last four seasons had ended with them in last place. The 93-94 NBA season gave way to a young man in only his second year playing, named Shaquille O’Neal, and every time this 7 foot 1 giant took hold of the ball it looked like an orange in his hands.
Despite previous last place losing seasons a sign stood above the exit way of the Magic which read, "Why not here, Why not Now, Why Not us." The words penned above the door at every game would enter the court with the Magic and also became the character of the team. If nobody else believed in the Magic, they believed in themselves and in the 1994 NBA season a young franchise team with tremendous odds against them, had their first winning season and was in the playoffs. Although the Magic did not reach the ultimate goal of a Championship that year, the character of the team is what I encourage you with today, "Why not here, Why Not Now, Why not YOU." “When someone believes in you, you win, but when you believe in yourself everyone wins"
RS keep it up, dream and dream big and thank you for making this holiday season special for me, you grew my heart last night and I urge you to grow yours, the skies the limit. To Kevin who is the visionary of this program, the Bible says, “Without vision people perish.” Vision impacts, it influences, it paves way for what could be and should be. Keep spreading the Vision of what could be and should be in the lives of young people. I leave you with one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies "Gladiator" "What you do in this life will echo in eternity"
Have an incredible Christmas and go into the New Year knowing that anything is possible... God Bless
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The Power of the One Liner
Monday, December 15, 2008
Making Mondays Count
Sowing Peace

Looking at this scripture I thought about what it meant to "sow in peace" because of some things that have recently gone on in my life. To sow means to plant. Many people are familiar with the passage that say's "You reap what you Sow" This is the same principle and James say's if we want to harvest righteousness or living right with God then we must sow peace.
It's difficult to "sow in peace" and it's so easy to do the opposite. The opposite of sow in peace are the following: "prove I'm right and you’re wrong," "make my point," "ignore my flaws and see the flaws in others" or the favorite "making sure I have the final word." Recently I have had the opportunity to sow in peace. Here's what sowing in peace looks like:
Repair the heart: There’s always more to an attitude, a word, or an outburst, these are just symptoms to something deeper, sometimes that's all we see and we ignore the heart.
Extend Grace: Grace pardons, it forgives, it's hard to do immediately but when grace is attempted immediately more often then not you'll see immediate results (A Gentle answer turns away wrath...Proverbs 15:1)
Have a Love that stretches: The bible say's "Love covers a multitude of sin." The ability to cover someone in love is found when your love can stretch past offense, past hurt, past wrong doing.
"When we sow in peace at the same time we are sewing back a relationship, the heart, and a life and this is where the righteousness of God can truly be found."
Monday Morning Thoughts...
- Production Day unfolds as CWC'ites are running around like little ants
- Quad shot Gingerbread Latte is waiting for me in the kitchen hows that Mazda commercial go a again "zoom, zoom"
- Ronnie did a great job with the props, hard work but well worth it, the stage looks great
- The Church hallway looks like Disney's Main street
- Service starts, incredible energy in the building
- Wow good crowd but it may empty out when the play starts...
- Wow the seats are still full, if we had advertised we would of had no room left
- Good touch of humor in the production, people need to laugh
- Three kings are too cool
- Was that...thriller Dance? it scared me when I was little but it looked great in church
- The play was called Home for Christmas, in the end I believe that's what we made people feel at our church on Sunday, 5 people came to know the Lord and looking out in the crowd at the faces and the tears I know there was more. You don't always score a touchdown with some people and that's ok, but a lot of yardage with gained, they are inside the 20 and almost there.
Oh one last thought...
- How come Santz and Zai are going up for the final bow they were'nt in the play?
Friday, December 12, 2008
I had to fight it off

"...We are confident that you are meant for better things, things that come with salvation." Hebrews 6:9
Yesterday was a tough day, I had a lot on my heart, and this morning I felt the tug like today was going to be even tougher. I'm driving to work and this thought pops in my mind and simultaneously deep in my heart I feel I needed to hear those words. I realized at that moment it wasn't me just thinking, but the Lord was speaking to me. The words that popped in my mind and gave me energy today was "you have to fight it off." Discouragement, doubt, frustration, stress, whatever it is that weighs you down, You have to fight it off. Then today's verse spoke into my life even more, so much that I had to stop reading and instantly begin to write. You are meant for better things, that come with salvation. What comes with Salvation found in Christ and Christ alone?; peace, security, completeness, hope, purpose, and the list can go on and on and on.
We have to fight off what weighs us down because we were meant for better things. I was not meant for discouragement, I was meant to have a gleaming hope for all to see. I was not meant to be in worry, but to live in freedom and joy. I was not meant to just go through life but to live life with a target called purpose and with passion. I-YOU-WE-US were meant for better things. Fight it off, there's so much to fight for. I know of many people who are struggling this Christmas but you have to fight it off, Your meant for better things!
Lord I thank you because it's IN YOU that I have life and find the ability to live.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Fill in the blank
"As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God..."2 Timothy 4:6
What an incredible statement to be able to say, "my life has been poured out..." There's great meaning behind that statement "poured out" especially when looking at the life of Paul. If you read between the lines and look at Paul's life poured out means "I gave it everything", "I risked it all", "I was persecuted but was never stopped", I have nothing left, everything was spent, everything was used, everything was poured out so that others might know the love of God.
What does poured out mean in your life today? Poured out might mean:
I really need to speak to _________________ today so they realize the love of God.
I have always had a dream to do___________________for God.
In 2009 I want to make sure that I accomplish _____________for my family, my home or my marriage.
I don't want to die without seeing ______________ occur in my life.
We will determine how much of our lives we pour out, and into what or who we pour our lives out to. We will determine what song, what dream, what creative idea, what sermon, what good deed, what influence, will be used or not. I want my life poured out as an offering to God. I want my life to please Him, I want my life to matter, to count, I want my life to live past my grave. Where do you need to fill in the blanks?
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Spirit of AL
I love my wife, she makes me better, her answer was sweet, subtle and powerful. She often will wait till I see things rather then trying to make me see what she see's. I know it drives her nuts. Let me explain what I mean by the spirit of AL. I am a Raider fan, but the owner, Al Davis has his hands in everything, as a result he has stifled his team and his organization to the point where last Thursday the sports commentators were flat out making jokes about them. The "Spirit of Al" is driven, but it drives relationships south, it stifles growth and in the end what you are most passionate about will never come because the team is out of balance.
Here's what I'm realizing:
- If an event or a task has gone south it's usually because I did not communicate it effectively.
- Allowing people to dream builds an invaluable trust
- I learned this from my Pastor, "sometimes you just have to allow folks to sink or swim", If I have have prepared a team member, if I have set them up in area of their strength, if I have communicated effectively, chances are they are going to swim and they might just be the next Michael Phelps of Ministry
- In the end you hurt the team and hurt yourself in ministry if you stunt the growth of the players.
Consistency Is The Key

"Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8
The key in any type of training is consistency. Improvement in any arena is impossible without consistency. Today's verse talks about training for Godliness producing benefits in this life and the life to come. I truly want my life to reveal God. I want what I do, how I treat people, how I speak, everything to reveal God. I want Godliness to be revealed in my marriage, in my parenting, in my work ethics, in my relationships. When thinking about this scripture today I thought, what is the first thing that I would like people to think of when my name is first mentioned? How do I get there? The key is consistency. Thinking about 2009 I want to start mapping out the areas of my life that I struggle with consistency in. It's ok to struggle by the way, struggle means there's a fight, I rather have a fight in me then no fight at all. Even Paul said "...we work hard and continue to struggle, for our hope is in the living God..." It's going to be a struggle to get to anything that will echo in eternity. Words like "I made it", "I believe", "we won" all carry consistent hard work in the back drop. There's something about consistency that reminds you of how far you have come and how much you have to go, it keeps you sharp, it keeps you progressing and keeps you growing. Living life without consistency is like saying you want to win an Olympic medal and not train for it. What does your life, relationship with God, marriage, children, home, relationships, finances, look like if you are consistently training to improve in Godliness?
Friday, December 5, 2008
In The News
The second thing that I noticed was in Saudi Arabia 3Million people gathered for the Muslim pilgrimage hajj.
Have you ever read the news and felt like you were just standing still looking at a world that is lost, hurting and in deceived. Check out Habakkuk in the bible his people were going through an extremely difficult time. Habakkuk is begging, complaining and crying out in the first chapter, you can feel his anguish and heart. Then the Lord answers in Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision still has its time, presses on to fulfillment, and will not disappoint; If it delays, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not be late.
We desperately need a move of God in the world and I believe it's coming and you and I get to be a mouthpiece, an influence, a servant in God's work. The Lord's vision will press on to fulfillment, and it will not disappoint, if it delays wait for it. What are you doing in the waiting? What you and I do in the waiting will determine how much we are part of the vision. Prepare yourself people of God, prepare yourself to be used, prepare your hearts to love the unlovable, prepare to work, prepare to give, pray and seek and find the Lord. The Lord's vision will press on and it will not disappoint!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Spending Money Or Spending Time Pt. 2

or Being ALL there...
One of my favorite restaurants is Chili's. If it's not a burger, it's the Monterey Chicken or the Quesedilla explosion salad, ok that's enough I'm getting hungry. The problem that I have with a restaurant like Chili's and going with the family is "being all there." You see, 90% of the time Chili's has ESPN playing in the background, which usually accounts for me being 50% there with my family instead of 100% ALL there. Instead of engaging conversation, laughing, enjoying the time out with the family I'm glued to the sports world and I'm not ALL there. It doesn't stop at Chili's though. I have this little thing in my pocket called a cell phone and like OCD I pick it up constantly even at the dinner table once again affecting me being ALL there. The other day when I went to eat with Isaiah I purposesly showed him the phone on the table, I turned it over and I pointed out to him that I was not going to pick it up. I showed Isiah that I valued our time, our conversation, our relationship more then an email or a text and I was all there for Him. Making time is one thing, Being All there is another step that I have to take initiative in. Maybe you have to turn off your phone, maybe you have to not eat where there are TV's. Maybe you have to sit with your back towards distractions, whatever it is make sure YOUR ALL THERE.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Spending Money Or Spending Time

My boy and I have another afternoon planned together today. We are heading out to Panera his favorite sandwich spot to do his homework. Anytime Isaiah and I do his homework we make it fun like a math problem is a "bad guy" or the world is depending on his next answer. My boy and I have had so much fun lately and I'm loving in it. For many parents, including myself I have been guilty of spending extravagantly on loved ones for Christmas as a way of making up for what's been missing all year long. I don't plan on spending as much this year on gifts, but I do plan on spending more on time and although I haven't started shopping yet for Christmas items I have been spending on time already. Sometimes it takes creatitivity, sometimes your dragging tired, sometimes you have other things you have to do (what we think is urgent), giving of your time in those moments is priceless. Make up with more time not with more gifts this year, again create moments that you will live twice. I'll have part two of this little pep talk later. (Being All There)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Infuenced by a 6yr. old
Monday, December 1, 2008
Hope That Will Not Disappoint

"...this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." Romans 5:5
Finding hope in your life can be difficult at times, it seems lately that people are finding it difficult to find hope day by day. Have you ever hoped in someone or something only to find disappointment? Paul say's, in every problem, and in every trial, everything that we face, everything that is in opposition to you, everything that stresses, frustrates and wearies your spirit we can consider joy in all these things because of a hope that we have in Christ. The demonstration of God's love to mankind, his willingness to send Jesus into this world with humble beginnings, and the sacrifice that Jesus gave, gives me all the reason to hope in times of little hope. And the bible say's...this hope...will not lead to disappointment.
Have you ever placed hope into someone or something only to be met with disappointment? People will fail you, sometimes plans don't always work, unexpected situations take place, but the hope we have in Christ will never disappoint. Christ does not promise the perfect life but He does promise the perfect path, the path that leads to Him and a path to eternal life. Life is not easy, it's not always clear, it won't always go according to our understanding. The hope I find in God's word, and in His voice, give me direction in the darkest of times, it gives me endurance just when I thought I could not go on, and it gives the ability to bring hope to others. A jump in the stock market, job security, or new president is not enough, we need the hope of Christ, today.