11 So David and his troops went up to Baal-perazim and defeated the Philistines there. “God did it!” David exclaimed. “He used me to burst through my enemies like a raging flood!”
1 Chronicles 14:11
The word today says that when David was anointed king over Israel an old enemy of David's came after him, the Philistines. The enemy did not come with just a few, v.8 says the Philistines mobilized "ALL" their forces after him. This is so true of our own lives that when we move to a new level with God the enemy will try to stop you from achieving or becoming even greater.
Why does the enemy want to stop you? Because the enemy knows that there is even greater potential than the level you just arrived at. Crazy that the enemy realizes our potential and sometimes we do not, but that's another journal.
So what did David do? David went out to meet the enemy and to do battle with him. Think about it for a minute, David had to battle all his life, as a shepherd fighting animals trying to attack his sheep, fighting against people not believing in him, fighting against the giant, fighting against armies for a king who wanted to kill him. Finally David is in his position of his promise as King, does he stop fighting, NO. What this teaches me today is that no matter what level you get to, how anointed you are, how many victories you have, the enemy will always try to stop you from going after more. You can't rest on your laurels, "yesterdays victories" because if you don't realize it, your in a real fight even now. Things have been different at church lately, you can see an atmosphere shift taking place, the worship team is moving to a new level, new opportunities are opening but we can't rest on yesterdays victories. There is more territory to take, more people to influence and greater potential at stake. The church as a whole has been in defense mode for too long it's time to rise up, go out invade the enemies territory, and let God use us to burst through like a raging flood. Stay sharp, stay swift, stay in the spirit. David inquired of God constantly, because he did not want to lose site of God's plan. I feel spiritually that God has CWC as a whole in the locker room right now and the game plan has already been drawn up on the board. The players are understanding their position, their getting their protective gear on. Assignments have been given, it's time to knuckle up with the enemy. Don't ever rest on yesterdays accomplishments or you'll jeopardize even greater ones ahead.
As the Day of Prayer gets started today Lord I pray for a shaking in the land. I pray that you would awaken the church to her potential and might that we have in you. I pray you would mobilize angels ahead of us today that the prayers of the saints would move your heart and rock the enemies territory. I pray that we would realize what's at stake, realize what we have, realize what has to be done. Go ahead of us Father In Jesus Name, amen.
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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