We'll I just got back from Hawaii with Pastor Dan and what a time it was. On the way to the islands I read an article in one of the magazines provided by the airlines. The article was about the channel swimmers of Hawaii. Channel swimmers swim long distances, in fact island to island, they use the current of the ocean or specific channels as routes. Little did I know how this article would speak to me while on the trip. We arrived in Oahu around 11:15AM and were on our way to spy the land shortly after. It didn't take long for Pastor Dan and I to see where God was leading us. We drove around Ewa beach for a few hours checking out the neighborhoods and the schools. Since it was late afternoon kids were getting out. There were children everywhere. Each one of those kids represented a family, a family who might not have hope, might not have a dream but most of all might not have Christ in their hearts. As we continued to drive Pastor Dan echoed the same words that I have been hearing from my wife for months now "The people are here, there here." The land is primed for a mighty move of God. In a large portion of the area there are new developments and houses going up everywhere. The charge I take upon my life is turning those houses into homes, homes built on the word of God, strong families, people living with purpose and living out their full potential. So much emotion was going through my body. I litterally felt sick. I had excitement, saw great potential, afterall this was a dream that I have held onto for 10 years now, but there something else. I also felt a huge amount of fear. I realized what Caleb probably felt when spying out the promise land. Then the article that I read on the plane came back to my memory. I felt like a channel swimmer. The channel swimmer begins their swim from island to island at midnight utilizing the best time for current. All the swimmers know before diving in is: the distance, the darnkness and the sharks. Any person who has gone on to do anything great for God has had to face a great disance, has had to face uncertainty and has been unforcomtable. We continued to drive around Pastor Dan asked me "Ant, what are you feeling?" I told him my head is hurting, my stomach is turning, I see potential but have fear all at the same time, the feeling was overwhelming. Pastor Dan smiled and with that letting me know that's all normal, it's part of the territory, part of the call, part of chasing after a dream. The difference between someone who lives their potential and someone who just lives is whether they will dive in or not. Will you follow God as far as he wants to take you? Will you allow why and how to stop you? Will you live what you know to be true of you, "the picture of what God has placed of you in you?" I don't know how many folks read this blog but my prayer is that wherever your at in life today be encouraged to become all that God has called you to be. If your feeling overwhelmed, fearful, almost like what God has called you to do should be someone else, your in the perfect place. Gods dreams are big not small, because they have huge implications, have huge affects and He is trusting you to live it out. Just dive in.
Story about the channel swimmers (Page 1 is the portion of the article that I was referencing)
Story about the channel swimmers (Page 1 is the portion of the article that I was referencing)
Dang Ant, thanks for sharing your heart. Man, you guys excite me so much. I just feel so lucky and so blessed to see people actually taking the steps towards their dream. I am learning that it hurts, it's uncomfortable, and it doesn't always work the way you want it to. But I am encouraged to know that you are doing the same. Thank you for your support through the years I've known you. I'm hoping to see you out in Hawaii in the next year.
Love you.
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