This is for all of you who have something still living inside of you tugging at you every day. It's bigger then you, way bigger than you, but somehow you revisit this incredible desire time after time. Sometimes it's through a movie, a story or a song that triggers this deep emotion lying within you. Then there are the days, the days that everything feels oh so far away.
If sometimes it feels like your dream is far fetched, like it will never happen then this challenge is for you. Do you want to know where the richest place in the world is? It's not the diamond mines, banks or the stock market. The richest place in the world is the cemetery, every single one is filled with dreams that were never lived out, time that was wasted, and opportunities missed. Don't let that be you.
The facts might tell you that your bank account is too small, that your too old or too young. Facts might tell you that your education, skill or talent is not where it should be. Facts might tell you what your trying to accomplish can never be done. Listen to this it's a quote shared to me just a day ago from my friend Dan Caraballo lead Pastor of the Bay Area Dream Center. "Faith will take you, where facts will leave you." Dreams don't show up when faith is not present. The topic this past week on my blog, Dream Start is to get ready for you start your dream today. Too many people are looking for the perfect start to start their dream. I'm telling you, that you already have in you what you need to start your dream right now. Are you ready?; Here's the challenge, I seriously wanna hear your dream. Not only that I want to help you share it with your everyone you know. Here's how send an email to dreamstart10@gmail.com and include your full name, city and a small description of your dream. I will attach your dream to this post. When YOU DREAM has been added send the link from this blog to Facebook twitter or email with the subject line "I shared my dream and you can too!"
Let's see how many people you can inspire by taking a chance and voicing what's in your heart. I'm telling you everything changes the day you share your dream...everything. I'll have one final post next week on Dream Start and it will be a very exciting one.
Lisa Cruz - Newark, Ca
It had been bothering me a lot the last few days that I could easily see everyone else's potential/gifting possible ministries/callings but yet for myself I could not.. I could not say that I had a vision or dream for my life, but couldn't understand why..
Another usual morning of rushing off to work.. In the car I just had to put on a CD, I put on my christian rap CD and God immediately began speaking to my spirit as the music brought back memories of a lifestyle/mentality I used to have as a teen/young woman...Then God immediately gave me visions of youth.. Bus fulls being driven to church.. youth
from SF, Oakland, Hayward.. at risk youth, with enormous talents/giftings... So I got my vision and I felt like I was going to explode with emotion (already cried and felt overjoyed and filled with excitement) if I didn't immediately tell someone...
Reuben Maza, Milpitas Ca
I could honestly say that it was music that saved my life. I grew up in church but yet I was in the world doing drugs and doing no good. I dropped out of school and was going no where fast. I had a daughter at 19 and just felt so lost .. It was worship that kept me connected to God and that took me out of what I was going trough. Being a worship leader is a big part of my dream but that's not where it ends. I really feel called to be a counselor to be able to help youth,young adults and single parents. I know if there was someone to talk to me when I was younger to mentor me and teach me how to not to just no God but to have relationship with him things would of went a lot different in my teenaged years. But, I thank God for my past because it helped me build my future. Now I am currently an intern at CWC interning to become a worship pastor. I know its not gonna be an easy road but I'm willing to do what ever it takes to save lives for Jesus Christ because that's exactly what He did for me..
Shannon Araujo, Santa Clara Ca
Ok, so honestly, it's a little scary for me to post this. It's been hiding in my heart for so long. For a while I tried to ignore it and hoped it would just disappear, but it didn't. Then it seemed as if it was stolen from me, but it wasn't. It turns out that God was just molding and shaping me into a person that could better understand what my dream would take. Am I there yet? Nope. Do I know exactly what steps I need to get there yet? Nope. But my trust is that God will lead me to exactly where He wants me to be, and doesn't let me dream in vain. He dreams with me. My dream, is to bring God's unfailing love to the orphans of South America. (and all over the world) I want to start a home for homeless, parent less children where they can know LOVE, ACCEPTANCE and HOPE. I want them to have a warm safe place to sleep, healthy food to eat, regular check-ups and people to love them as their own. I want them to know the Love of God, and the saving grace of Jesus. I want them to be able to dream the dreams that God has given them freely. Will some be adopted by warm and loving families? I pray they all will!! I want to be able to pour out the love I was so graciously given by my wonderful parents, my awesome hubby and son, and (of course!) by the creator of the universe who loves me exactly for who I am. My heart breaks for these young ones that have no hope, and don't know love....and while I alone cannot accomplish the task of bringing love and hope to thousands, I invite God to use me to bring it to those I can, in hopes of producing others that in turn will do the same. Love God, Love People, Change the world....
Leebo Pomele Tiffin, Ohio Ever since I knew what football was, I dreamed of one day making it a means to provide for my family and I. After graduating high school in 2004, I walked away from the game I knew and loved since I was four years old to go to Masters Commission (Bible College/Discipleship Program). Six years from walking away from my dream, I stand in the midst of my destiny. Entering my senior year in college and my last year to play college football. I hope to one day be able to establish programs to aid low income families and equip them about the power of getting educated. As well as reaching out to single parent families who are in need. And lastly, being able to mentor teens and help them reach their dreams. Football is a great start to making these dreams a reality! |
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