Late 2006, something begins to stir in my heart, like a new chapter was about to unfold. I couldn't quite pinpoint what I was to do but I knew I was going to need to do something. I enter into the new year with these litteral words
"this is my year"Every year at our church, we open with a week of prayer. One night my Pastor Dan Vera, called me out and pointed to me, he echoed the same powerful 4 words that I was already feeling in my heart.
"This is your year" Something was about to take place and I knew it, I could feel it, I was convinced that in 2007 I would take some major faith steps.
So what did I do? I waited, and I searched and I looked for the answer that God was actually dangling in front of me like a carrot. The light had turned green and the next move was mine. You see the bible say's that "before you ever lived a day on this earth, all of your days were written beforehand" What that scripture tells me is this,
Life is about showing up...it's about showing up to your purpose, showing up to your potential, showing up to the you that God has designed you to become. It was time for me to show up, I was beginning to feel an urgency a deep soul craving.
Frustration began to set in, but I knew in my heart what I needed to do. I needed to take a crazy step and do something that I was afraid of doing. I needed to acknowledge a feeling that I had in my heart for a very long time.
It was time for me to make my dream known. Not just to one person, it was time for my dream to go public. Sharing a dream is scary, especially when it's super sized. I was afraid of what people would think? I was afraid of failing? I was afraid of being wrong. Till this day my knee's buckle when I think of what I'm getting ready to do.
This is the first part of my challenge. Some of you know what I'm talking about when I talk about frustration. You've felt the tug to take some steps but feel stuck in the quicksands of "what if" and "I can't." Many people stop right at this point when it comes to dreaming. People discount themselves out of doing anything great for God because they don't feel great. We're afraid of failure, so why try? We're afraid of what others think, so why say anything? I'm too small, don't have what it takes, lack the talent, the skill or the ability so why even dream?
This is where I believe most dreams die, sadly before they even take off. If your right there, right now, don't let it die. Just dream, think what God thinks about you, embrace God's word about you as it say's in Jeremiah 29:11 "
For I know the plans I think towards you say's the Lord, plans of a HOPE and a future" Listen to this, I believe that this is speaking to you at this very moment. The very thought that God would give you a picture of something great is proof that He trust you to do something great. Do you understand that "
YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made" Check this out, experts have discovered that if you were to take a single cell from the human body, and from that single cell extract the DNA; the DNA strand would extend 6 Feet long. And if you were to take that DNA strand that extends 6 feet long, you would find the coded message of you, 3 Billion characters long. How complex is this? If you were to to take that 6 foot DNA strand, that came from a single cell and began to read 1 single character every second night and day, it would take 96 years to complete.
"You are fearfully and wonderfully made." I'm going to go out on a limb with this, you won't find it in the text books and I'm not a scientist, but if you take that scripture and the facts presented it's not a hard thing to believe that God's purpose in your life can actually be embedded in you.
When you live your life the way it was designed, it's the greatest form of worship unto God that could ever take place out of your life. Maybe your at the point I was several years ago, something needs to happen. It's time for you to show up to your greatness. Your tired of the frustrated feeling that there's more to your life but your not living it yet. Maybe it's time to make known that knee bending, heart pumping, passionate dream that's in you. You may be wondering why? It's important, very important, let's just say it's a darn right critical step that cannot be taken lightly. I'll share "the why's for taking these steps and making your dream public" in my next post and what I believe happens when you speak your dream. I'm going to give you a chance this week to do something, I'll set the platform for you, you just need to show up. More on that thought later. Oh yeah, one last thing THIS IS YOUR YEAR.