10 Years ago I shared a dream with my Pastor Dan Vera, it was personal, crazy and scary all at the same time. The question that was asked was "what is it that would make you feel like Christmas everyday if you could do it" I began to share a vision about planting a church in Hawaii. My Pastor did not laugh, he didn't say are you crazy, he just said "ok". Several years went by, there had not been much talk about planting a church. I went to church, I joined internship, was involved somewhat but ministry was not really in my immediate heart.
As time went on we had a Masters Commission Student living with us named Santos Samayoa "Santz". I honestly did not want to let anyone in our house I was scared that they would see my flaws but we took a risk, and I'm glad we did. I honestly would like to believe we impacted Santz life that year, but it was the complete opposite that young man blessed me, he ignited the dreamer again and stirred my heart. It was one of those stories where you try to bless someone but in the end you end up being blessed.
I felt like Rocky getting back in the ring again. The dreamer was out of shape, I had been out of the ring for a while but I was hungrier then ever to do something great for God. We had a wedding coming up and it was in Oahu. Immediately a deep burden began to set in all over again. While on a sunset cruise in Waikiki my wife noticed something different about me and asked "what's wrong" I mentioned to her "for some reason I feel like this is where we are supposed to be." It was weird, I never wanted to go to Oahu. Anyway we came back didn't say much then came year two with Santz...
The second time around housing a studen was different.Santz didn't come by himself that next year, we had two additional and remarkable young men living with us. Two boys were cousins and they were Samoan. Leebo and Ulla Pomele. Again we set out to be a blessing but that year our lives were dramatically changed. Something happened in our home that amazing year. Till this day Ulla, Leebo and Santz still call each other brothers. Till this day we remember those times. I love the Samoan people, their hearts, their culture, their anointing for music, all of it. Something was happening in my heart, it was getting bigger...
Later on that year we went back to Oahu for a conference. I'll never forget the moment, we were leaving from Oakland Airport to Hawaii and the security guard looks at my ticket and says "oh going home sir" I'll looked back at my wife and just laughed. What an amazing time in Hawaii, got to visit some family and things began to solidify in our hearts. We knew where we were going to be, didn't know when, didn't even know what were going to do but we just knew Hawaii was the place we were going.
Stay with me I know this is long but I need to share it. We came back I acknowledged to my Pastor that we felt we were going to head out to Hawaii one day but I did not acknowledge my dream. I had yet to acknowledge what we were to do. Honestly I was scared, did not feel qualified and truthfully felt that I would fail.
YEAR 3 Masters Commission
Two new students were in our homes this year, it was Jon and Samson, we instantly saw the potential in these guys. I remember Samson coming over our house, he was going through a lot of stuff and was wandering and searching for himself. I remember thinking come into my home, and we'll make a champion. I remember seeing Jon with his large Samoan hair and thinking I want that kid too. We'll they stayed in our home and for 10 months we had our late night cereal talks, character building and lots and lots of guitar and worship. Why do I mention this, because this is Christian Worship Center of Hawaii in the making. There was a reason why we had all of these young men in our lives. There was a reason why I was introduced into the Samoan culture. There was a reason why Santos was in the middle of all of this too. Now that I look back at my story I could see God orchestrating HIS story and a big one at that.
There's always something bigger then what you see right now. I know this is getting long, and so I'm going to close it for now, believe me there's more. I'm going to warn you though, prepared to be challenged and to be pushed over the edge. I'm sharing these very close events to my heart because I want to set some folks to flight this very week. I believe there's a reason why I must do this now, so get ready and stay tuned tomorrow.
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