Our journey...has not been perfect but I would not trade the journey I'm on for another one or to experience it with anyone else but my wife.
Today I was reading out of Proverbs 31:12 which reminded me of my wife it says "She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life." I'll be honest I've slept on the couch but never because my wife has made me. I've blown it big time but have never have been called a bum or a loser. There are promises that I've broken, things I've forgotten, times when I wasn't listening, words I've said that I wish I could of taken back, but my wife in over 10 years of marriage has never made me feel worthless, never tried to push me down, and has never threatened to leave me. Proverbs 31:12 is my wife, she seeks to bring good to me, good for me and good through me, and she has done it ever since I've known her.
Oh it get's gooder, she sacrifices like crazy for our children. She runs with me in ministry, dreams with me in life, and I know that every step of the way if there is anyone in my corner it's her. And still yet even gooder then that, she recently left the comfort of our home, is walking away from security, peace of mind, selling it all, leaving it all, risking it all on the field of life to follow her crazy husband and chase a dream of building a church to reach the islands.
My God is her God, and my people are her people. My dream has become her dream, and my vision has become her vision. I'm not forcing her, not demanding this of her, she is not a slave, our hearts share the same heartbeat, it's bigger than us, how can it work like this? Has to be God. To my wife, you have built a warrior, a champion, a person who feels like he can touch the entire world, you've made me feel like the man every single step of the way. "You've brought me good" ever since we've first met" I love you babe.
Come on now!(snap snap)
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