I'm holding onto promises today, promises so big they can only come true through the hand of God. You've heard the saying "Promises are meant to be broken", this is not true of God. In an effort to find meaning we build our lives so much on temporary promises, promises in relationships, promises in careers, promises in temporary fulfillment when all of those promises fail we are still looking for meaning. I love what my friend Jr Gonzalez of CWC LA say's "there are over 800 promises in the bible, one of them has to have your name on it."
The truth is, God is a God of promise and not one of His promises has ever failed...EVER. Listen, if you need hope today, analyze what you have built your life on, has it been the promise of people, possessions or opportunity or has it been on the unchanging, unwavering promises of God. Moses saw all the wonderful promises the Lord gave to him because He had a hunger and a pursuit for the promise and the promiser. I want this to be true of my life. So today I remind myself as I blog and I remind you as you read. Seek God, and the promise of God for your life, for your family, for your dream. Seek it out, don't let life pass you by without living the wonderful promises that God has for you. I believe that there are promises lined up for my life and yours, some promises we may know of others we do not. The question is will you show up to your promise? Will you truly live it out? Will you see it? It's waiting there, your promise, and it has your name on it.
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