7) Your only as good as your team
I can't do anything successfully without those around me. Take time to praise and bless your team. Challenge their vision, but don't become their biggest challenge, just because it's not done your way doesn't mean that it's wrong. You will kill people's dreams, break hearts and damage relationships if you don't allow people to try. By the way your number one team is your family, don't try to get it right anywhere else until it's right at home first.
8) Strive for excellence not perfection
Perfection will eliminate people, you will never be satisified and your standard will never be reached. Excellence puts nothing else but heart on the line and considers hearts in the process most of all the heart of God.
9) Find out what really mends the nets...
Everyday I'm fishing fishing to share Christ, fishing to challenge someone to another level, fishing to encourage someone to dream. All that fishing takes a lot out of the nets. Find out what mends the net in your life. Find out what brings rest to your soul, relationships that bring water your spirit, places that help you relax from the inside out.
10) Keep the important things important
I love what John Maxwell say's, "If I take care of the important things, then everything else will take care of itself" I have non negotiables in my life, things that I cannot live without. The minute prayer, journaling, family time are out of whack in my life the more my life get's whack.
11) Steward your time wisely
This is a constant battle in my life, stewarding my time. Making the most of my time. As a husband & parent "being all there" in my time in my home is a constant struggle. Andy Stanley say's "It's not about how much time you have left but what you will do with the time you have left." You will never have enough time to do things that you are not supposed to be doing, but will always have enough time to do the things that you are." God will provide resources, opportunities, relationships, ideas, creativity to do what He has called you to do. Live your life well... steward your time that you have on earth.
12) Dont lose the fun aspect
Laugh, laugh alot, tickle your kids, play jokes on your loved ones, have inside humor with your team. Don't be so driven in life that you don't know how to enjoy the journey. I love making people laugh.
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