Do you remember the first roller coaster you rode on? The first roller coaster I ever went on was called the Cyclone, I don't remember my age, but I know I was terrified and I went on it more because of peer pressure. Needless to say I had fun and went on the roller coaster several more times that same day. What's fun about going on a roller coaster for the first time is the speed, the uncertainty and the surprise.
You know life is a lot like a roller coaster, there are unexpected turns, unexpected drops, moments of exileration, moments of anticipation it's fun and crazy all at the same time. The unexpected is fun on a roller coaster but in life it's not fun. It's amazing how we can have faith in the engineer and mechanic of a roller coaster more then the engineer and mechanic of our life. Anytime you do something great for God you will often find yourself living with the unknown. What's known, is God, and he does not change. What's known, His word and it's eternal? What's known, I am a child of God and He promises never to leave me. Find peace in what's known about God and what's true of your position in Christ. Leave the uknown to God...
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