The LORD has done what he planned; he has fulfilled his word, which he decreed long ago. Lamentations 2:17
While I was in High School I took gourmet foods just because I thought it was going to be an easy class. It was easy, but more than that I was pretty good at it. Till this day, I still enjoy cooking. One thing about cooking unless you do this as a profession, it's not something you want to rush. Even though I'm pretty good at it, I still get the occassional messup, you know the perfect recipe gone bad. I could be cooking something that I've done a dozen times but when I'm rushing it doesn't turn out the way it's supposed, the taste, texture, sometimes the whole thing has to be thrown away, just because I was not careful to plan out the details. Looking at today's scripture reminded me of my life. My life is planned by God not "just put together." My life has details in the design it wasn't "just drawn up" but it was planned long ago and God fullfills His word.
If God sticks to His plan, how much more should I? Practically speaking, lately I've felt in limbo. It's been hard to get out of this vacation mode. I don't feel as sharp, I'm putting things together last minute, details are easily being overlooked, plans that I know I need to keep are being delayed. If you want the recipe of your life to turn out great you have to stick the plan, the plans that you know God has for you, the plans that make you great, the plan that God has placed in you to make others great. We can't just throw things together and hope our lives turn out incredible. If you want an incredibly lived life you have to plan and stick to the plan. Sure life alters are schedules and even priorities get disrupted but I have to recalibrate and get back to the plan of God. One of my favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11 which talks about the plan of God for our life, it's incredible, it contains hope, it contains a future. I want that plan, I need it and need to stick to it.
Lord I want your hope and your future in my life, my family and in ministy. Recalibrate my heart, my mind, my discipline, everything that makes me the best me for you. Help me to stick to the plan that you have for my life, in Jesus Name, amen.
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