You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecutions, sufferings—what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. 2 Timothy 3:10-11
Over the past few years reality shows have taken tv by storm. Shows like "Big Brother" and "Survivor" were the pioneers of this new TV era. Recently I even heard about an individual who lives with a camera on his head watching his every move, every detail of his life (except for the bathroom of course) all of it is broadcasted on the web to millions of viewers. I even became a fan of these reality shows as Tara and I got hooked on a show called "The Amazing Race" now it's "Hells Kitchen" but that's another story. One thing that I've noticed in any of these reality shows is that you eventually get to see who the real people are. No matter how charming, how good looking, how well someone speaks, no matter how people come across from the outside eventually you'll see who the person is on the inside, and that's what makes it "Reality TV". There's something about being in the middle of a deserted island, having nothing to eat for days but rice, and losing a team challenge that will reveal who you really are, and so it is with our life as well. Life is tough as the apostle Paul tells young Timothy v.12 "Everyone who desires to live a Godly life will suffer persececution", but Paul modeled the Christian life in a powerful way. It was Paul's way of life through his purpose, his faith, his patience, his love, his endurance that really made a difference in others lives. Paul's way of life spoke volumes about his relationship with Christ. And so I begin to question myself today if I were on a show like survivor, when things got really tough, when moral is low, how would "My way of life" speak to others. What does my way of life tell others about Christ living in me? Does others see Jesus in my low times? What's the first thing people think of when they think about me. "What does my way of life" say? Our mission in life is to get our way life to get as close to Christ way of living as possible.
The reason why reality TV is just as popular as it was a few years ago is because it's exactly what people are looking for. People are looking for the reality of life. People are looking and trying to find the answers to "Who am I", "Why am I", "What am I to do", "What is life truly about" they may not say it, but peoples actions, behavior, and lifestyles sure do speak it. I have a co-worker who the other day who said something to me and in no way is this bragging or boasting about myself but I believe it's Christ living in me that is making the difference through me. My co-worker said "I envy you Ant". I know my friend is hungry, I know he's searching and looking for reality, he's looking for what I have not material wise (he's got to nicer car than me, LOL) but he's looking for the reality of life. What does your way of life say today? Does your life say Christ lives in me? Does you way of living unlock hope, peace, encouragement and life in others? We are living in one of the most difficult yet opportunistic times in the history of mankind. The very reason why there is such great opposition and difficulty is the same reason why there is such a great opportunity to make a difference. Live the best life possible for Jesus and to shine His Love, His mercy, His grace, His hope in your life. Remember, "We are the salt and light of this world" Matthew 5:13,14
Lord, I know that anytime you desire to do something through me you always do something in me first. Do a work in my mind, my heart, my life. Let me live a life that speaks hope, love, encouragement and gives life to others. When the difficulties of life kick in Lord, give me the strength to hold on, and to let my way of life speak about you. Thank you Lord for your love and your plan, In Jesus name, amen.
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago