"I wish I had more time" "When I can find the time" "I'll try to buy some time" You've heard these terms before, or maybe you've even said them yourself. The truth is, we all wish we had more time. Time is not something that you can get back. Once time is gone, it's gone. The word teaches the importance of time because time is life. "...For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away."James 4:14
Today's culture chooses to deal with time the same way we do with money, we spend it, and can spend it foolishly. People who use their money wisely are the ones who invest it. We must also do the same with time. We must invest our time in order to get the best out of life. Everyday we have a decision to spend our time on the "foolish things", on "the urgent temporary things", or we can invest our time in the truly important things, the areas of our lives that matter most.
Look, you can "over do" many things in life. You can over workout, over eat, over achieve etc. but if there is one thing that you can't over do is "Over live" You have one shot at life so we must live it wisely, stewarding what God has given us and making the most of it. Next week's bible study will cover the area of "What is the wise thing to do?" in our time. Check out the clip below from "Time Bandits"
-God Bless
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
Hello All,
This really hit home for me today, and time is just too precious to waste. I am looking forward to next week and I knowit will be a refreshing and insightful study. See you all there.
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