I got off the phone earlier ago with my Pastor, Dan Vera. I'll be honest I love to tweet, Facebook, and blog encouraging thoughts. To be even more open with you, when I post encouraging stuff, I'm really posting for my own reminder because I'm smack in the middle of a tough round in life.
Lately those tough rounds have been even more frequent and it's been trying on my mind and heart. So today when my Pastor called me I couldn't help but breakdown after the call, matter of fact it's happened that way the last two times we've spoken on the phone. Yes, it's been that tough. I thank God for my Pastor who without a doubt is my spiritual father. I thank God for making me better through example my Pastor has shown me. I thank God that my Pastor has always demonstrated great wisdom, incredible vision, and flat out wholeheartedly believes in people. I honor you Pastor Dan, I honor you as my spiritual father, my coach, my friend and so much more.
I want to be a better Husband, father, leader and follower of Christ because of what I've seen in my Pastor. Thank you for setting the standard, thank you for pushing me, thank you for seeing in me what I struggle to see in myself at times. Thank you, for pointing me to Jesus. Strength & Honor!
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