-It was another great Sunday @ "the M"
-The ladies took the mic this weekend, way to go Carolyn, you were awesome! Can't wait to watch Amanda and Big Rue spearhead the music the next few weeks.
-More new faces, and different races.
-New member recognized Rose Bracamonte, she heard about CWC Milpitas from a crossing guard, visited us 1 day and has been here ever since!
-Awesome message PD. I'm loving the recharge series...perfect timing and a life transforming word.
-Great to see a former co-worker of mine and family at church, God is doing a beautiful thing in their lives. Equally awesome to see second time visitors coming back and some thirds.
-New addition to CWC HI team introduced. Welcome Rev. Julie Grimes. It's great having you aboard.
-Awesome culture being developed at our church. It says a lot about the culture of your church if people hang out afterwards. If folks are up and gone then something is missing. Since everyone likes to chill we figured we add a grill to that...Sunday June 14th "Chilling and Grillin" CWC Style. (hmmm maybe a lil competition?)
Can't wait till next week, we'll continue our series "Moving Forward" Have a great week everyone!
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