Monday, April 20, 2009

The Only Time You should look back Pt. 2 (Milestone Lessons)

As I mentioned in my previous post. The last 8 years at Christian Worship Center have been some of the most incredible years of my life. My Pastor, the leadership of CWC and great relationships have taught me a whole lot. Some of my milestone lessons are the following:

1) At times learning is a backward process. Sometimes part of your learning process is actually a lot of unlearning. I've had to unlearn my way, my thinking, my experiences, my conclusions to trust the pure wisdom that can only come from God.

2) God's way is not always the easiest way but it is the best way. God will take you through some challenges to promote growth in your life. There are tough times in your life that God will take you through, that will require a faith that you have not yet walked.

3) There are no problems only opportunities. Leaders make things happen, they are agents of change. I've been challenged not to look at problems as problems but as opportunities for God to shine through my life, lead through my life, and love through my life. You can't find a solution when your focused on the problem.

4) R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y
There is no pretty quote that I can put for this one. It's plain and straight to the point. I am responsible for me, my walk with Christ, my family, my marriage, my home, my children, my purpose, ministry, leadership, job, etc. I am responsible for being the best me in each of those areas. Excuse making will cripple your success in the key areas of life, the areas that nobody else is responsible for but you.

5) Love your wife like Christ loves the church.
Christs love towards the church, is merciful, hopeful, giving, kind, gentle, considerate and the list can go on. Ephesians 5:25 is the standard for all husbands.

6) Your greatest asset can be your greatest liability.
I don't know how to live life any other way but passionately. My passion can kill me though. Sometimes I can get too emotional, quit just as easy as it was to start something, forget about the cost of things, say stupid things, and ignore planning.

Six more lessons coming up...