Monday, June 30, 2008
"Those who press..."
Monday, June 23, 2008
What to do
2 Kings 4:43-44
"How can I set this before a hundred men?" his servant asked. But Elisha answered, "Give it to the people to eat. For this is what the LORD says: 'They will eat and have some left over.' " Then he set it before them, and they ate and had some left over, according to the word of the LORD.”
· Have you ever notice that God never gives us just enough but he always gives us just a little more than our thoughts or our expectations can handle. Elisha and Gehazi are encountered not with another problem but with an opportunity. Whether it’s feeding 100 men or Jesus feeeding 5,000 men with 5 loaves and 2 fish, God always gives abundantly. I heard this quote yesterday that really tripped me out and it says, “PRAY like it DEPENDS on God and WORK like it DEPENDS on you.” Every great act or miracle of God wasn’t just totally depended on God, but it need the work of a Gehazi to set the table and give people the food, and it also the needed the faith of an Elisha to have that ridiculous faith even when those around you don’t believe. Like the book of James says, “faith without works is dead.” (2:17)
· The Lord revealed to me three things that I need to start applying:
o Dependancy on God- do I depend on God in every area of my life? Is he my provider, my shelter, my banner, my salvation? All these thoughts come to my mind. Like a baby depends on their mother and father for their next meal, for clothes, for shelter, and for a change; I too must be the same way with God, total dependancy on HIM.
o MUSTARD SEED FAITH- this isn’t just your normal, “thank you Jesus for this food” kind of faith, this is the faith that is described in Matthew 17:20. The bible say that "without FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God." if my faith is aligned with God, all things are possible!!
o WORK HARD- I got to work hard! We all get to a certain age where we need to start working, there is no more mooching off of mom and dad, but what is it that you work for? We all work for that big paycheck. I know that sounds materialistic but have you thought about that in the spiritual realm also. If I work hard and put my hours in, my payback is going to be more and more of God. Work hard should be installed in our DNA, shoot God worked 6 days straight when he created everything known to mankind.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Learning to Get Dressed... Again?
As I read this, I noticed the words "put on". Not surprisingly, it made me think about getting dressed, my routine in the mornings. Now, all of us do this in the morning, at night; sometimes even several times a day. We get dressed - we put on clothes. The Word instructs us to put on characteristics of Christ. So how do you get dressed in a characteristic? Every morning, I take a certain amount of time to get ready. Whether im dressing like a scrub (15 minutes) or going to prom (2+ hours), I specifically set aside time to get dressed. The Word suggests that we must do the same spiritually. So, im back at my same question: how do you put on a characteristic? I'm not sure I know the answer right now. I'm tempted to say "Well, you read the Bible and pray." Sounds good. But is that all? Is that enough? Is that what the writer meant in using the words "put on"?... So I shall turn to once again & look up that good ol' Greek... In this instance, the words "put on" (Gr. Enduo) mean "to sink into". Wow. Thats pretty deep. So, when he says for us to sink into these characteristics, he's not saying to dip in our toe & see how it feels. Think about it - when something is sinking, it is totally immersed, and most likely overcome by the substance it is sinking in. As it sinks, it is going deeper and deeper in. That is what the author is calling us to do. Not to just sit & think about being merciful, kind and humble, but to immerse ourselves in that nature, to sink in it - even allow ourselves to be overcome by those characteristics. Now, I dont want you to think my head is in the clouds; I realize that its easier said than done. But something that makes me wantto sink in even more is the other idea of sinking - into the couch, a cozy bed, or the lazy boy after a long day. Now whats better than that!? You can finally relax, breathe, and let your body sink into that smooth leather, that favorite blanket. It feels so much better. When you're at work and the newbie messes everything up, sink into mercy mode. It feels so much better. When things are getting crazy at school and even crazier at home, sink into patience mode. It feels so much better. I am challenged to really sink in to the characteristics God has called me to possess. I realize it can be hard sometimes, but He's given us the best ways to be because they feel so much better than what our human selves naturally want to do! What an awesome God. Make sense? (Maybe?)
SO, going back to put on, sink in... Let's learn to put on the characteristics of Christ. It's like learning how to get dressed again. But in a different way. C'mon, we can do it :)
[Lord, wow! Thank You for showing me all this. Honestly, I wasnt sure what to expect from journaling today, I kept putting it off because i just wasnt feeling it (sorry, but hey, You already know - ain't no use in tryna lie). But You're so faithful to teach me no matter how I'm feeling. It's really not about me, huh? Thats good. Anyway, please don't let me forget this word, and thank You for recommending the best qualities for us - the ones that feel so much better. Remind me to get dressed spiritually every morning. I think I'll still get dressed in the physical, cause I think thats a good idea (hahaha). Thank You again and again. Youre so faithful, even when im not. I love You!]
Friday, June 13, 2008
Live up!
Paul is encouraging the church to press on with Christ and sharing his own experiences as well. Then he says this verse.
“Live up”: I will be honest I do not run at my potential, and laziness and selfishness is at the core. These two things will kill me and those around me. I need to live up to the level at which Christ has blessed me. He has blessed me richly and therefore, I have a huge responsibility.
I have realized that prayer in not about how long or what time or even the location. Yes, I “feel” better when I am completely alone and there is no noise, but that is not the only way to reach God. Life is not perfect and reaching God is about stretching. When you stretch your muscles it can be uncomfortable, even hurt. Your body is in positions that are not used to everyday. Stretching to a state of flexibility, take consistent time, purposeful time.
What area do you need to “live up” to? Begin to stretch daily in this area, purposely and intentionally. Take small stepped and do not be overwhelmed by the goal.
1. Pray about this area, often. Maybe a few prayers throughout the day.
2. Accountability. Talk to someone about this area and your determination to grow.
3. Create a plan. How do you plan on growing? What things need to change? What resources can be useful?
4. Action. Preparation is great but action creates change. Get up and live up to the blessings God has given you.
5. Share the blessing. Be ready to encourage someone else, even if you have not mastered it.
Lord, I thank you for always challenging me to step it up. I love that you believe in me even when I feel nobody does. I thank you for reminding me not to live on emotions, but to live based on the blessings you have given me. Lord, help me to live up to the call. amen